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  4. Payment Gateway Settings
  5. General Options

General Options

General option settings allow you to customize your payment address, currency conversion API, refund, and order settings. 

For general settings, navigate to the WooCommerce >> Metamask Pro>>Settings >> General settings.

Payment Address:-

Default payment address in which payment will receive when an order will be completed.

Crypto price Api

Currently, there are two API are used to convert fait price into cryptocurrency.

1) Cryptocompare

2) Binance + Openexchangerates

Enable Refund:-

By enabling this option, you will be able to refund your users using the MetaMask Wallet. Note: Only orders paid with “Pay with MetaMask For Woo Commerce Pro” will be refunded using this option. 

Open Exchange Rates:-

Open Exchange Rates is a service that provides exchange rate data for various currencies. It’s commonly used  to access up-to-date and accurate foreign exchange rates for financial and e-commerce applications. 

Enable Refund:-

By enabling this option, you will be able to refund your users using the Crypto Wallets. 

Note: Only orders paid with “Pay with MetaMask For Woo Commerce Pro” will be refunded using this option.

Payment Success: Order Status:-

You can select the payment status for a successful cryptocurrency payment from the following options:

  • WooCommerce Default Status
  • On Hold
  • Processing
  • Completed

Payment Success: Redirect Page:-

You can enter a custom URL to redirect or leave it blank to update the order status on the order received page. 

Payment Gateway Logo:-

You can use the same logo or custom logo on the checkout page alongside the payment gateway.

Customize Text Display:-

You can customize the text display for the following pages and element :

  • Payment Confirmation (Popup)
  • Payment Completed (Popup)
  • Payment Processing (Popup)
  • Payment Rejection (Popup)
  • Place Order Button (Checkout Page)
  • Select Coin (Checkout Page)
  • Select Network (Checkout Page)
  • Refund Order Button (Order Page)