General option settings allow you to customize your payment address, currency conversion API, refund, and order settings.
For general settings, navigate to the : WooCommerce >> Metamask Pro>>Settings >> General settings.

Payment Address:-
Crypto price Api
Currently, there are two API are used to convert fait price into cryptocurrency.
1) Cryptocompare
2) Binance + Openexchangerates
Enable Refund:-
By enabling this option, you will be able to refund your users using the MetaMask Wallet. Note: Only orders paid with “Pay with MetaMask For Woo Commerce Pro” will be refunded using this option.
Open Exchange Rates:-
Open Exchange Rates is a service that provides exchange rate data for various currencies. It’s commonly used to access up-to-date and accurate foreign exchange rates for financial and e-commerce applications.
Enable Refund:-
By enabling this option, you will be able to refund your users using the Crypto Wallets.
Note: Only orders paid with “Pay with MetaMask For Woo Commerce Pro” will be refunded using this option.
Payment Success: Order Status:-
You can select the payment status for a successful cryptocurrency payment from the following options:
- WooCommerce Default Status
- On Hold
- Processing
- Completed
Payment Success: Redirect Page:-
You can enter a custom URL to redirect or leave it blank to update the order status on the order received page.
Payment Gateway Logo:-
You can use the same logo or custom logo on the checkout page alongside the payment gateway.
Customize Text Display:-
You can customize the text display for the following pages and element :
- Payment Confirmation (Popup)
- Payment Completed (Popup)
- Payment Processing (Popup)
- Payment Rejection (Popup)
- Place Order Button (Checkout Page)
- Select Coin (Checkout Page)
- Select Network (Checkout Page)
- Refund Order Button (Order Page)